I once had a boss who shared his theory for seducing a woman. I’m not sure if it was genius or insanity. His theory is so simple it has to be one or the other. His two step secret to seduction:
1. Take her to your place.
2. Get her to take off her shoes.
That’s it.
His observation, after years of playboy behavior, is that a woman who takes off her shoes at your place isn’t planning to put them back on until morning. If she doesn’t take them off, she’s mentally prepped for a quick escape.
You might wonder if removing shoes causes the sex or it’s simply a sign of comfort that predicts it. Either way, it’s good to know. I leave you with that question and move to a related one I discovered on my own.
Years ago I discovered that I could put myself in any mood by my choice of footwear. For example, no matter how tired I was, putting on tennis shoes immediately put me in the mood for working out. Putting on my work shoes put me in a business frame of mind. Going barefoot relaxed me. And so on.
A year ago I was taking dance lessons to prepare for my wedding. I wore tuxedo-quality shoes to the lessons because I wanted to match the look and feel of the wedding dance. After a few months of lessons, putting on the shoes was enough to totally put me in the dancing mood. The before and after feelings were quite distinct.
And so I have generalized these observations to what I call the Footwear Theory of Motivation. It states that you can put anyone in the mood for anything by the right choice of footwear.
As silly as the Footwear Theory of Motivation sounds, it has plenty of scientific backing. On some level, it’s not much different from Pavlov’s research on dogs.
If you always wear the same type of footwear in the same situations, your body learns to automatically adjust to that situation when the shoes go on (or off). It would be surprising if the Footwear Theory of Motivation did NOT work.
The only question is the size of the effect. I think it’s huge.
Couldn’t agree more! I appreciate your article and agree. Thanks!
Posted by: Vladlena Nyzhnik | April 26, 2008 at 08:58 AM
Thanks for sharing!! I think your knowledge about shoes is awesome.
Posted by: Parley paz | April 26, 2008 at 12:21 AM
What If I Told You That You Would Bring The Woman Of Your Dreams Home Tomorrow -- And You Would Barely Even Need To Say Anything To Her?
YOU will seduce ANY girl easily---> Discover the UNSTOPPABLE method to bring any woman home in 60 seconds - guaranteed.
Posted by: James | April 16, 2008 at 02:48 PM
I think you are right on about the Footwear theory. Women tend to have more pairs than men, thus our different moods, thus men having a very hard time understanding us or reading us. Men may only have a few pairs, but they basically express the same moods: lazy, busy at work, or in the mood for love.
Posted by: JW | December 28, 2007 at 05:16 PM
That's a great theory you have told us but some times the theory dosn't works so the men is perfect then every thing is perfect. There are many ways to seduce a women and at that time when having a love between man and women no one remembers about shoes becuse they are to much excited. But this is true man cant understand women till death.
Posted by: Flora | November 28, 2007 at 08:39 PM
No wonder why poor people in the western world generally are being seen as lazy. According to your Footwear Theory of Motivation they are always in "relax mode" since they can't afford shoes.
Posted by: Morten | September 19, 2007 at 02:14 PM
People should always take their shoes off at the door. Dont be afraid to ask your lady visitor to remove her shoes. Seduction or not, it will keep the place cleaner.
Posted by: Matthew C | August 20, 2007 at 02:11 AM
Just a suggestion: invest in a small sheepskin rug...invite guest to run her toes through it. "I just found this at World Market, what do you think? Where should I put it?" Talking casually about home decor is nesting behavior, should relax your guest and encourage her to view you favorably. Bonus points if you have a fireplace with a lit fire and glasses of wine at the ready.
Posted by: Catbert's Evil Sibling Rolfbert | June 01, 2007 at 12:02 PM
Hi! This is secret to seduction:
1: Get her to your place.
2: Get her to get drunk.
3: Get her to take off her shoes.
4: Get her to kiss you.
5: Get her to your bed.
6: Get her to take off your clothes.
7: Get her to make sex with you.
8: Get her to sleep.
9: Get her to regret what she did in the morning.
10: Get her to leave in a hurry.
11: Get her to not answer your phone calls.
Works like a bomb!
The second secret to seduction is:
1: Get her to your place.
2: Get her to remove all her clothes and lie on your bed feeling mighty lonely.
Posted by: Zed | June 01, 2007 at 05:00 AM
What about the Finish , Korean , Japenese people.
They take their shoes off in restuarants , their homes.
Posted by: hotadvice | May 27, 2007 at 09:55 PM
Years of playboy lifestyle tell me that your boss is, generally, right. Of course, what he says is more true in the US, where taking off shoes in people's houses is not a requirement. In former Soviet Union, it is. Therefore, locally, I'd put it another stimulus, such as sharing any drink in front of a TV screen.
Posted by: Dmitry Z | May 25, 2007 at 05:44 AM
You simple-minded people. How many times has Scott told you not to believe him?
If your footwear changes your mood, or whatever, I can see how free will would be a foreign concept to you.
I thought everyone could figure out that if a girl takes off her shoes at your place, it was generally 10-15 minutes before the last article of clothing came off. I highly doubt the same holds true if you, say, dripped some mustard on her shoes or something.
Besides, it reminds of the old recipe for rabbit stew:
First, catch a rabbit.
Posted by: Steveo | May 24, 2007 at 06:25 PM
I can't remember the name of it but athletes do some thing similare. By acting a certain way before an event, putting on shoes, or picking up the bat etc they go in to a mental zone to do that thing.
The hardest one is for bi-athletes who go from having a high heart rate from ski-ing to needing a low one for the shooting. They have a mental touchstone that changes their bodies.
You'r right its quite well known.
Posted by: Rich | May 24, 2007 at 07:37 AM
A fellow I knew in college had the theory that your choice of footwear in the morning dictates who you can be that day. For instance, a woman who puts on heels in the morning is not, generally, going to get herself into situations where fleeing is mandatory, so perhaps she will be more reserved and not pick any fights. A man who puts on flip-flops won't be juggling knives that day.
From there, the discussion becomes more philosophical: Do you pick shoes that suit what you expect to do that day, in which case your shoes are an expression of who you want to be, or in fact do the shoes make the (wo)man? Kind of chicken-and-eggish.
Posted by: k | May 24, 2007 at 07:33 AM
I cannot go barefoot, I need my shoes
Posted by: Barry Dons | May 24, 2007 at 04:31 AM
I wish my wife went barefoot, the amount of money I would save for her nasty shoe buying habit :)
Posted by: John Davis | May 24, 2007 at 04:25 AM
With me it's my wristwatch: When I want to get into a working mood, I put it on. When I want to relax, I have to take it off.
Posted by: felize | May 24, 2007 at 03:06 AM
Alec Guinness, the famous actor, once commented that the most important part of getting into character was finding the right shoes. Once he had the right pair of shoes for the part, the character came naturally from that.
Posted by: Simon Wilcox | May 24, 2007 at 02:53 AM
I where the same shoes for everything and can not stay focused to save my life...that makes so much sense now...
Posted by: Johnski | May 23, 2007 at 10:20 PM
Excellent tip!
Especially useful for those with a foot fetish...
Posted by: Artorios | May 23, 2007 at 05:51 PM
The funny thing is, kind of like a siefeld episode. I recall one time in my youth driving to visit a friend of the opposite sex. We were just friends mind you, but since it was a long car ride for some odd reason after an hour or so of hanging out with her my feet started hurting. I nonchalantly removed my shoes, and continued on in our dialogue. Soon after, She suddenly started acting extremely moody and irritated and told me she wasn't feeling well, had a migraine and I should promptly leave. Now this explains it...
Posted by: Brian Liston | May 23, 2007 at 04:04 PM
So what if you never wear shoes inside the house and force all your guests to take off their shoes too? The dinner party just got interesting ...
Posted by: Morbo | May 23, 2007 at 02:55 PM
Scott, now you understand why women obsess over shoes and own so many different kinds. :-)
I'd be afraid of a man who owns more than 5 pairs of shoes. He's overambitious. *chuckle*
Posted by: Dossy Shiobara | May 23, 2007 at 01:50 PM
So have you tried this theory on your wife by getting her stillettos?
Posted by: Jay | May 23, 2007 at 12:18 PM
Interesting observation to say the least. As I was reading your post I thought about Pavlov (and was going to post something about this) but then you had to add that to the end. =)
As someone that only owns three pairs of shoes I think this 'motivation' is strongly based around the Mr. Roger's principle of having a shoe for every occassion but this post actually motivates me to investigate buying more shoes (if only to be able to control my own motivation) =)
Posted by: J | May 23, 2007 at 11:02 AM