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I'm down with your bad self: she does work when she doesn't have to, and she does seem to lack a sense of self-importance that I find insufferable in many of her "betters." She's famous for being famous, and rather than trying to fight that and become some kind of UN ambassador, she's buying couture and churning out questionable commercial ventures. That's America, baby!

B Nadkarni

I see your point now and I agree with you. I can't imagine anyone holding up to that kind of scrutiny. I can't imagine the stress.


No, I don't live "in a pineapple under the sea", and no, I didn't know that bitch had been released. Only addle minded people care about shit like that.


"Speaking of jail, if your daughter is using Paris Hilton as a role model, you probably belong in one."

The sad part? My dad works as a school teacher. One day he assigned his students to write about their heroes. Guess one of the major topics.

jerry w.

I really liked the quote below:

"The quality of the US health care system is a shining example to the rest of the world. (Be honest. If you had a serious malady, and cost were no concern, where would YOU choose to go for treatment? To Cuba, where scientific and medical advances stopped with Castro's Revolution in 1959? Or maybe to Canada, where it can take eight weeks to even get in to see a specialist?)The quality of the US health care system is a shining example to the rest of the world. (Be honest. If you had a serious malady, and cost were no concern, where would YOU choose to go for treatment? To Cuba, where scientific and medical advances stopped with Castro's Revolution in 1959? Or maybe to Canada, where it can take eight weeks to even get in to see a specialist?)"

Especially this part: "If you had a serious malady, and cost were no concern........"

Just remember this when people use the word "If":

If my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

Not that there's anything wrong with that......


When I read your original post, I too thought less of you for a second, then realised that if I have all these terrible pre-concieved ideas about Paris Hilton, it is only because I too have bought into her marketing image.

In short, I think I'll stop having opinions about celebrities I don't know anything about. I avoid TV and tabloids for a reason... no need to remain caught up in having an opinion about the personality of a person I've only ever seen ACTING.

(ie. I don't hate her, nor do I like her. She's just another entertainer I don't watch)



I say jail her more for wasting people's time like email spammers.


It's clear where your mind is.........

Please cleanup the drool and other body fluids when you're done.

Pretending to be stupid is not funny or entettaining unless we know that you aren't, Paris has not shown she has any wisdom.

You are just infatuated..... Don't worry, its natural.


"I have to confess I like Paris. I’ve never heard a report of her being mean."

um, i saw her being mean to Bart Simpson.



Hello !
Well at least she can be a bad example. All this teenagers see that one can be rich like Dagobert Duck hence he/she will end in prison finally.
And that is very good, isn't it.
And thats how I see Paris' value for the world.

The rest of the discussion in the USA (and belive it or not here in germany) is as worthless as the direction indicator
on a Mercedes Benz. ;-)
greetings BergH


Everybody complains about Paris. Did anyone ever stop to think she's a friggin' marketing genius? Granted the only product is her visibility, but she does have everyone talking about her, AND anything connected to her get's the spotlight. You think she's rich now? Wait and see how much richer she's going to get!! Hell, she's already generating more cash flow from her antics alone than any of us we'll ever see!

Mark Bowness

Funny, how random is Paris Hilton? I want to see this interview.

Mark Bowness

Zacariach Woodcock

Not entertaining? You're being quite ridiculous. I'm 73 years old and I can still "bring it" better than Hilton.

*Grabs zimmerframe and starts breakdancing*

Oh shit, my heart...


As I started to read your post, I was thinking to mysef "wow Scott is kind of a hater" You slightly redeemed yourself at the end of the post.


al qaeda is finally in cartoons. hats off!


Has she dicovered the Lord whilst in confinement, or before? Have been living at the bottom of the Ocean...drown me!


Maybe she has dicovered the Lord whilst in confinement?

gatta rosa

I think Paris Hilton is mad!!!

people usually become crazy when they have money...


I snorted out loud at the opening line. That was a humourous way to start it. albeit she and her acts have been discussed to death.

I cant wait for the Larry Interview with her. And what she is going to reply. I hardly think a jail experience makes one really see the light.


Today's cartoon: "C-4 spleen", "Al Qaeda", "gotta go"... ROTFL!!!!! :D

(Well, if we had more Paris Hiltons and less Al Qaeda freaks the World would be a better place, wouldn't it?..)


Do you really like her or do you just say that to read how people agree with stupid comments?

She is mean (and I'm sure you know that), and she's a bad example, to boys and girls alike (I'm sure you know that too).

Enjoy Larry King though...


"Paris has stated that she will no longer “act dumb,” because that’s “not who I am.”

I'll believe it when I see it.

Then again, if that happens, I don;t think I'll ever hear about her in the media again :-)


Every time i see Paris i can't help but notice how innocent (some mean people might use the word dumb) she is. I wish she would get into some charitable causes - she would do a lot of good to the needy.


Primitive native tribesmen often treat idiots with awed reverence (I don't understand it, therefore it must be holy).

Civilized modern tribesmen treat geniuses with contempt: I don't understand it, therefore it must be stupid.

Everybody may take his pick of these scenarios regarding Paris Hilton, but neither choice is favorable.



After having read some of the comments, I still think most of the people really envy Ms. Hilton. Seriously, partying your Life away while still having huge amounts of funding is one of the comforts few of us can really afford (I have to write this post in my office while nobody watches my screen). It is hardly a waste of life if someone is just enjoying it. Sadly enough, that is nowadays only possible with money to support you.
And I fully agree that most of us probably do much much worse, and just not agreeing with her way of life sounds a lot like we would just once have liked to be invited to one of her parties...

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