May 2008

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Why all the colorful language guys? People can converse without swearing every other word.


"Brilliant post Scott!

Your skill with the written word is awesome -- I've no doubt that 75% of your nitwit fans will see it as satire or sarcasm. Fools.

Once the middle east is completely owned and operated by the USA, the world will finally be a safe place. We'll show Ahmadinejad what a holocaust looks like, and see if he thinks that's a myth."

This has to be the best comment out of them all. I only wish this were true.


"Scholars tell us the correct
translation is more along the lines of wanting a change in Israel's
government toward something more democratic, with less gerrymandering."

He wants genocide, and he's made it clear many times. When you call for the removal of an entire ethnic group from a territory, its called ethnic cleansing. Now go draw some cartoons, and leave serious issues to people who have experience outside a cubicle.


i wann ask you for somethink why you are like that . ahmed maybe did somethink bad lat him god will panish him i think that u are crayz and lonly and bb to say that you will stay alone in your life i wish that for you .

Gratis SMS

Thanks for your nice post!


Good for you!

El Duder

You all are all fooled by these sucker politicians. It's a joke to be used as a puppet. Bush, Ahmadi Nejad, whomever are using these nonsense to win the next election.
Bottom line, US is driving the west side redirecting attentions from internal mess; Iran, Russia and China are having their own side to resist. It's all a monkey play.

And one more thing... fuck you scott. Fuck all the fanatic Jews, Muslims and shit. FUCK holocaust. I'm sick of hearing the "SAD" story of fuckin jews that is being told to us by fuckin' Hollywood, books etc. It's enough.. It's part of the history.. Gone.. get a life you bitches. Israel has its finger up US' ass and drives it everywhere they want. You fool dumb shit. I think you are 14 yrs old who has no bloody vision on nothing.


u bloody dog!


I'm posting only to get one more it is waaayyyy to creepy that this ended at 911 and you discussed 9/11


Holocaust? Do you mean The Crucifixion? Like the Inquisition, you are obliged to yield to the moral thumbscrew of a story of the suffering of a person/people. Same zealots, different dogma.


i read ur post,
and i jus wanna say im there with ya,
all iranians hate ahmadi nejad,
i jus wanted to tell u that dont swear at all iranians just becasue their leader's a fuckhead,
i hate him too, and dont belive the scenes u see on tv about parades n' stuff in iran and ahmadi nejad's followers,
that's all make belive and a big fuckin lie,
we're trapped in our country,
iranians r not terroris,
it's our leaders,
our country is led by wrong poeple,
and u know, if anyone protests, they'll execute him!
and i want u to help us instead of swearing at us,
tnx 4 ur time.


I just realized I didn't thank you for this post.

Thank you.



that is some funny sh*t...i imagine bush is just as funny at times...thanks for the belly laughs and tears


You've rebutted this comedy with a video declaring, "democracies have to protect themselves". This video goes on to talk about how certain people should not be given a platform to speak. You think people are too stupid to make up their own minds on what is good or bad?
Thanks for the video. Who knew Netanyahu already read "1984"...


"I was happy to hear that NYC didn't allow Iranian President Ahmadinejad to place a wreath at the WTC site. And I was happy that Columbia University is rescinding the offer to let him speak. If you let a guy like that express his views, before long the entire world will want freedom of speech."

I know, I know I am supposed to laugh. Why didn't I? Maybe it's because Iran, as much as I actually love the place and its people, which I do, has a government that does not even come close to respecting free speech or the rights of its own minorities (and majorities). I just don't find it funny to defend a populist/facist who is involved in the daily oppression of his citizens.

Maybe I just don't uunderstand sarcasm....



Adam Smith

I appreciate the courage it took to write something that should, in a truly free country, be a part of the daily dialogue. That it is not, that you must stand such withering criticism directed against you simply for having an opinion is in itself the most telling fact about the degree of intellectual torpor in America today and the vehement opposition which those who dissent must face.

I underwent my own awakening, followed closely by my open commentary on my perspective, and thereafter my ruin and disgrace, socially, financially, and in every way possible by a very cohesive and powerful group bent on stifling any discussion of the topic. I survived, and in doing so only proved that what I had discovered was in fact far closer to the truth than I had at first imagined.

Congratulations and thank you for your honesty, courage and sense of humor.


scott... i salute you!

much respect



Wow. I don't entirely disagree with your sarcasm, Mr. Adams, because indeed free speech and public discourse ought to be championed by those who've most benefited by it. Maybe that's why President Bush didn't condemn Columbia's invitation to Mahmoud.

You have, however, humiliated yourself with your presentation, when compared to Benjamin Netanyahu's approach. For example, if you have to continually resort to expletives and when you intentionally insult a large part of your audience in order to adequately punctuate your dialog with emotion and meaning then that says a lot about both your intelligence and your character.

Conversely, please check out the following rebuttal ... and note how PM Netanyahu addresses his audience. It is by far much more powerful and effective than what your posted here. Here it is:

Jimmy G.


Maybe you could work a new character into your Dilbert strip... Ahmadinejad - or do you think the folks at Homeland Security would come and take you away?


Why is iran the bad guy? they had nothing to do with 9/11. Saudi Arabia did. But the royal family apparently move in and out of the US at will. should you guys not do something about that.incidentally i am from neither the US nor iran nor Saudi .

As solution for the israeli problem i suggest some land be allocated to them in texas (for climatic reasons), in germany (for historic reasons) and in antartica (for future reasons) (as divisions of israel). i am sure it will be acceptable to the palestinians since there wont be as much pressure on land and israel won't need to keep occupied lands.


The post september 29..beginning with " Absolutely brilliant..." is not by me. My very first post on that day got posted twice. Must be my was my first time here.


Ah the ignorant irony. How many times must people trot out the old saw that the holocaust created Israel. Zionism (not a religious idea, theocracy my ass but an ideology)was alive and well long before Nazism started its murderous rampage across Europe.

Yes Israel somehow needed international approval to return to their homeland illegally occupied by Arab and Christian alike since before the murderous Crusades. What the Jew haters really despise be they Muslim or Christian is that today there is a country for Jews to call their own where they can defend their right to exist.

Oh and to the naive bleeding hearts wake up and smell the coffee, there is a world war going on and the evil axis is Iran, Syria, North Korea and probably China.

As for Achminajad everyone knows he's really a Mossad agent called Joe Cohen.

Scott I salute you.



Elsewhere your blog & interacts was discussed. This is what I posted.


Thanks for posting that piece. The reaction to the Dilbert blog itself is quite an eye-opener. The overwhelming majority of them did not "get it" is really quite a matter of concern and a perhaps a lesson to us who are foolish enough to believe in the supreme intellectual level of those who have volunteered to bring democracy, liberty, and freedom even to those dying & dwindling in numbers due to famine & pestilence & disease.

I wonder if Scott Adams himself might not become history himself. It is not a good sign when "history" could be probed & discussed ( revisited or revised ?) in a literary manner (sarcasm) so obtuse and acute simultaneously that the "message" could be lost on a majority of the "simple" folk.

Are we sure that people like Mr. Masadi, You or even myself
really belong in this age. 'Language' as we knew it, as has been my contention all along, is on its death bed. No one has the "luxury" of time & effort to figure out nuances of a sarcasm, satire, or humor.

If one can let others "see" it, why say it? I think Dilbert should stick to cartoons. It is also safer. It requires a much less attention attention span & one is always geared up to chuckle & smile even before one opens the funnies page.
After thus brightening up one's morning one is always ready to plunge head-first to brighten one's future at the Corporate Headquarters.



Elsewhere your blog & interacts was discussed. This is what I posted.


Thanks for posting that piece. The reaction to the Dilbert blog itself is quite an eye-opener. The overwhelming majority of them did not "get it" is really quite a matter of concern and a perhaps a lesson to us who are foolish enough to believe in the supreme intellectual level of those who have volunteered to bring democracy, liberty, and freedom even to those dying & dwindling in numbers due to famine & pestilence & disease.

I wonder if Scott Adams himself might not become history himself. It is not a good sign when "history" could be probed & discussed ( revisited or revised ?) in a literary manner (sarcasm) so obtuse and acute simultaneously that the "message" could be lost on a majority of the "simple" folk.

Are we sure that people like Mr. Masadi, You or even myself
really belong in this age. 'Language' as we knew it, as has been my contention all along, is on its death bed. No one has the "luxury" of time & effort to figure out nuances of a sarcasm, satire, or humor.

If one can let others "see" it, why say it? I think Dilbert should stick to cartoons. It is also safer. It requires a much less attention attention span & one is always geared up to chuckle & smile even before one opens the funnies page.
After thus brightening up one's morning one is always ready to plunge head-first to brighten one's future at the Corporate Headquarters.

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