May 2008

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is this the real life?
or is this just fantasy?

oh wait.

Burt (still 100% STD free) Trub


If u guys can come up with any lyrics for a song i could call "Don't Go" i'd be so happy i suck thats y


If u guys can come up with any lyrics for a song i could call "Don't Go" i'd be so happy i suck thats y


Don't go near me, I don't want to be unveiled
I'll stay in the shadow where I can be nailed


Don't go near me, I don't want to be unveiled
I want to stay in the shadow where I wouldn't be heard


follow her down to a bridge by the fountain, where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies

Jonathan Kolmorgan

There's viciousness in living from week to week
When the Lord is waiting, playing hide and seek


I was from I started having crashing down and saw by helping I even from were the best, were told he got trees

master baker

I am a Master baker
If you say it fast ten times
You will see Im not a faker
And hell this even rhymes


The computer is but a little matchbox,
and the mouse close by, is everything but a fox.


I ran through the falling snow
It made me want to say no


I ran through a moonless night.
The forest in your eyes held me tight.



I'm sitting in the corner, in the shadows, with my beer
A little bit disturbed about what I'm seeing here



She took off with my tender teddy
You know that teddy wasn't mine

pay attention

It takes time to build a village,
It takes longer to build a life.


Flamingos and embryoes floated above

Your house, underneath, where we shared our love



Like a shimmering Fire Truck, missing a shoe

all noise and excitement, incongruous you


"A thousand snowflakes fall to the ground,
While the rabid weasels gathered round."


"We drank caffinated apathy on the shores of the moon,

and pondered the fate that would follow us soon."



Living in wretchedness isn't too hard;
Ir's swimming in sugar and drowning in lard

Yodeling dandies come juggling pie
Bacon and eggs coming down from the sky

Numbers are dancing like sugarplums' feet
Aren't they all a scientists' treat?

Yelling at friends and kissing at babies
Misusing faith and hugging of trees

///That's all I have for now.


I remember that girl from Cairo
Who could make me stand up like an arrow.

(Hint to other readers -- believe it or not, to S.A. this should rhyme.)


“She had runaway eyes and marshmallow kittens.

My heart heard a dream like ten thousand gay mittens.”
(just lyrics)
"We knew we'd have it made and nothing could stop us.

But for the flood, we could drain the Acropolis."


He farted in his pants...
His underwears were too tight...
For the green gas to escape...
Until Papa lit a match...
KABOOM!!! his pants blew right off...

mike delaney

You’re heading for the checkout zone
You’re gonna leave me all alone

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