May 2008

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Wow, to think people still strongly believe he is Muslim just goes to show how they are slaves to the media. His tax cut plans for the middle-class may not be full-proof and still needs work; however, Hillary and McCain are the true elitists, who will keep adding fuel to the seemingly never-ending fire of government corruption and inefficiency.

And what ever happened to social responsibility?? People need to collectively rise up and decide not to be selfish consumers and care about everyone else. Closet racists will always be here to hold progress back because of their so called entitlement to a land they claim is's a difficult task for people with low IQ to comprehend such ideas, let alone ask them to see things from a different perspective.

And to answer 1) No 2) No. I try my best to stay away from those that wreak of immorality and egocentrism.

RC Christian

Obamas foreign policy advisor is Zbigniew Bzrezinski (he was Carters FPA), the man who headed the creation, training and equipping of 'al-queda'. Google "zbigniew osama" and hit 'images' to see him and Osama hanging out and practicing with machine guns. No joke. Wouldnt you think this would be news? If the 'race' wasnt all theater, smoke and mirrors?

Obamas economic advisor is Austan Ghoolsbee (sp), know to his pal G.W. as "the Ghool", from when they were in "skull and bones" together.

Most Obama-philes dont know this though. Obama is no muslim, nor is he an American: he is a globalist, and does the bidding of the Council on Foreign Relations on bended knee, just like John "Keating Five" McCain. Hillary is no better, shes a bilderberger whore.

Read up on Carroll Quigley, and the CFR who openly state that their goal is a one world government, and how national sovereignty is obsolete.

They all have the same masters and the same agenda. ROll your eyes if you need to do that to comfort yourself, but first, run that google image search, and roll your eyes at that.

Its a three-way rip-off. Were screwed.


Chant after me:

Hopey changey, hopey changey, hopey changey
Hopey changey, hopey changey, hopey changey

Single Mom from NY

1. I believe he is muslim, which I have no problem with. What ever happened to dont mix politics with religion???
2. The US is screwed regardless if its Obama, Clinton, or McCain.

But what I realized as I read through all the comments, is that there are many Obama supporters. I was one, until I sat down and thought about what it meant to be one of his supporters. Has the middle class not realized that if Obama becomes president we WILL suffer? Already, for example, if a single parent has a job, that doesnt require them to fry burgers, has a hard time supporting their child and tries to get goverment support, they are DENIED because they make too much money??? This will only get worse with Obama. He's worried about the poor (people that make less than 30K a year) than he is about the middle class. We WILL get screwed with him. All this talk about helping the middle class is crap.

And if he happens to get elected, which I doubt because of all the racist people that there are in this country, he will get assasinated (unfortunately).

So yes.. say hello to McCain... God help us...

Hopefully we all get out safe and alive. Canada sounds better everyday...

Fred X

Obama does not need to hate America to destroy it with crappy leftwing democrat / socialist / communist policies. He just needs to be elected to do that.

Errol Smythe

It really is amazing how there appears to be so many self proclaimed show casing political cases in this election soap opera.We have the media piranha feeding frenzy after the mudsling kitchen sink strategy brainstorming group allegedly set up Reverend Jeremiah Wright to step into the limelight for fifteen minutes of fame so that they allegedly could slice and dice soundbites and put them on those forty-five to seventy two second soundbite loops packaged for the alleged targeted couch potatoe gullible public so that polls could be manipulated up or down.
Those polls sometimes get it wrong and all these ping pong mind games quoting percentages and figures to dazzle and frazzle the minds of the voting public ain't going to work this time.
The streetwise man in the know says the word is on the street that to all intents and purposes the media have got the word from who knows where to wreck Barack cause Barak is on a roll.
All this talk of this and that and fireside chitchat and coffee drinking talk about the Obama/Wright association is just going to dry up.
American's don't like being taken for a ride. The media circus is over. People want to get serious and talk about serious issues. Things that matter. Bread and butter issues. American's are tired of who said what. There sure is something more real to talk about.
Can there be timeout on all this ? The election is not about Obama and his associates. Surely there are real substantial issues that need to be addressed like the rising cost of fuels,alternative energy sources, global food crisis, housing crisis, banking crisis, pension crisis, tax rebates,world peace, global warming and climate change, desertification,pollution,ozone layer,agriculture, poverty,hunger, empty food shelves in Africa etc etc etc.
Barak is just living the American dream. What is wrong with that? Why do we like broken dreams more than fulfilled dreams/ Let the dream live on. Hope is a good thing there is nothing wrong with hope. Peace to all and goodwill to all men . Can there be timeout on all this ? The election is not about Obama and his associates. Surely there are real substantial issues that need to be addressed like the rising cost of fuels,alternative energy sources, global food crisis, housing crisis, banking crisis, pension crisis, tax rebates,world peace, global warming and climate change, desertification,pollution,ozone layer,agriculture, poverty,hunger, empty food shelves in Africa etc etc etc.
Errol Smythe


People voting for a black guy shows just how much they do not want a woman to be president. The president has always been a white male, and will continue to be a white male until the white race has been interbred away. And if you think this cannot happen, just go to your local Walmart and look at all the black guys with fat white chicks. And, lets face it...women hate each other and will never vote another women in to be president. Most women don't vote anyway. So just ignore what the media covers and get ready for President McCain. Then he can inherit the problems Bush created, etc. Hell, Bush inherited the time bomb Clinton created to go off right in the middle of the next guy's term. Pretty convenient, so he can avoid the blame.


People voting for a black guy shows just how much they do not want a woman to be president. The president has always been a white male, and will continue to be a white male until the white race has been interbred away. And if you think this cannot happen, just go to your local Walmart and look at all the black guys with fat white chicks. And, lets face it...women hate each other and will never vote another women in to be president. Most women don't vote anyway. So just ignore what the media covers and get ready for President McCain. Then he can inherit the problems Bush created, etc. Hell, Bush inherited the time bomb Clinton created to go off right in the middle of the next guy's term. Pretty convenient, so he can avoid the blame.


Obama is the only candidate left who speaks to the American public as if we're adults capable of understanding complex issues.

McCain is a senile old fool who changes positions almost as often as he changes adult diapers.

Hillary started out as a Goldwater girl and if you ask me, she's a mole. She doesn't believe in the underlying ideology of the Democratic party, nor does she respect the voter. She's a corporate whore of the worst kind.

The GOP and the corporate Democrats are the ones who are destroying this nation. They neither understand nor appreicate the principles on which this nation was founded, nor do they have any interest in protecting the Contsitution.

To Annie from above, it's small-minded fools like you who are letting this country be destroyed from within. Bush has done more damage to this nation and the world in less than eight years than 1,000 years of liberal rule would do. You should be ashamed of yourself. Actually, you should do the species a favor and tape a plastic bag over your head.

Douglas Lonngren

It is too late, Bush has already destroyed America from within.


Yes to both. That 1 person in 10 is me. How can I be so sure he is a muslim intent on destroying the great satan? B-HO and I are in the same terrorist cell. His presidency is the lynch pin of our ingenious plot to destroy America from within! Lucky for us, our plot exactly mirrors the goals of the far left, so we are guaranteed the support of countless morons.

I normally wouldn't have admitted to all of that, but I recently watched a James Bond marathon, and now realize it is part of the evil genius code of conduct. You will all be dead soon anyway, so it doesn't matter if I gloat.


No, and No. At least not that I'm aware of, and I'm quite sure.


Yes to both---I know a few people who strongly believe that he's a Muslim, and insist he's secretly going to destory us.
The part that fascinates me is how they cling to both beliefs, even when shown proof that it's not true. Throwing out more and more bizarre arguments, they insist he's Muslim even when it's been proven he isn't.


Nicely done with the math there! I just read some old post of yours about "Let's make a deal" and you really flubbed the math on that one but I spose you educated yourself in the aftermath of that and did quite brightly with this one.

But even here there's another real easy, real true and real common way to explain these numbers (though your math thingee really DOES cover the bulk of the required response).

People like to feel good about themselves. They like to feel that they're righteous, good and wholesome AND FAR BETTER, SWEETER AND GOODERER THAN OTHERS.

So when you're asked a question like this you DESIRE to be able to answer that you know racists so you interpret whatever tidbits you can into believing that your brother in law will never vote for a black guy.

By the way, I would never vote for an Armenian. Fuckin Armenians!



I'm a Canadian, but I provide tech support to Americans. I speak with a broad cross-section of America every day, and the particular kind of tech support I provide usually includes lots of waiting through installs, so there's a lot of small talk.

John Q. Average American is afraid of Barack Obama.

I don't mean they think he'd make a bad President. I mean they wouldn't trust him to bag their groceries.

He's ahead in the polls right now because the people who belong to a political party and vote in primaries are the sort of people who put politics first. When it comes time for the Average Americans to vote in November, they'll be choosing between a young black man with a Muslim-sounding name and a white war-hero with an American-sounding name. It's a no-brainer.

Speaking as a member of the non-American community, I'm begging you guys to vote Democrat. But I've already got money riding on McCain. I think he's a lock, and, quite frankly, it's depressing.


I would vote for the person most qualified for the job.
Sadly a pregnant lama could do a better job then the people who are running. And speaking of a pregnant lama, where is perot? If he threw his hat into the ring he would have a very good chance at getting elected due to no one wanting to vote for the other losers.

As for your questions
1) Yes
2) Doesn't matter it already has been distoyed.

A better question to answer is does Obama frighten you?
When you hear him speak is there a little voice inside you saying "do not trust this guy". But, we must have change, change is the answer, more chains, more change, less dollars and more change, more chains.

Andy Watt

"The best way to bring about change in the United States is to have some kind of legitimate third party to cater to those of us who drink either the Red or Blue flavors of Kool Aid"

Alas, Mr Tibs, we have that in the UK. I'm afraid it doesn't make any difference really, the "big two" just have so much more power and, as Kang and Kodos said...

"It's a two party system - what are you going to do, waste your vote? mwahahahahaha!"

Errol Smythe

Is it necessary to do or say some mind boggling thing to get media attention. I don'ty know.
Preachers know that to grab the attention of a mind wandering audience,in your sermon you build a figurative bridge, build a figurative fire, then destroy the figurative bridge if necessary so that people can examine their options.Your sermon soaked in prayer backed up with scripture from the Bible then has got their attention.
Julius Caesar, history tells us, once did something similar by ordering his army the centurions etc to burn their ships on the shores of a foreign land.
Julius Caesar by issuing such a command inspired a fighting spirit and loyalty in his men to fight so that they could win the battle and win the war and go home to their loved ones.How does that relate to Reverend Jeremiah Wright? As an individual, he may have by deliberate intention focused the media mindset on the stark realities of prejudice.Racial prejudice, religious prejudice,bigotism,bitterness,hatred,malice,unfair media coverage,soundbites and deliberate mind manipulation in this high tech society and the need for reconciliation, truth,self examination, forgiveness,confession,repentance and constructive engagement in this present society.
Will it damage Barak? Who knows.Does America care for Barak with all the media frenzy and media post mortems of his name,his freinds, his associates ?.
America needs to have its own TRUTH COMMISSION. Will America have one? Who knows? Does America care.Yes.America cares for the downtrodden,the sick ,the lame ,the unwanted,the ones with dreams and broken dreams. Some people are honest and others are not so honest.So what? NOBODY IS PERFECT> WE ALL HAVE OUR FAULTS ....BUT THERE IS SELF IMPROVEMENT!!!!
There is strong undercurrents of a reality check up. Why?. Look back to KATRINA, HURRICANE KATRINA.
The ostrich likes to bury it’s head in the sand and the ostrich some say thinks as long as its head is buried in the sand , it’s vision is impaired and restricted and in this ostrich mindset what it cannot see the ostrich believes in it it’s ostrich birdbrain is not there? The ostrich needs a reality check up.
America is a great country. America is an IMMIGRANT BASED COUNTRY. That is why it is great. The beacon of hope of democracy. The open forum of democracy allows freedom of speech because America believes all men are created equal. That is on paper . That is in black and white,but some do not accept that because of the way they were brought up.
sOME OF THEIR TEACHERS MAY HAVE told them that some people are inferior to them and other people are superior. That is wrong teaching.tHAT IS WHY THERE IS SO MUCH CONTROVERSY TO DAY. The truth will set you free.
All this mudslinging politics and slinging back mud, and negative below the belt teleads is no good. Look how much money candidates are blatantly spending to get elected when there is a food crisis in AFRICA AND DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD. But people are so concerned with their own point of view they will forget people are dying without food, without democracy, without hope in other nations.
Maybe REVEREND WRIGHT MAY BE WRONG IN THE WAY HE SAYS WHAT HE SAYS, but maybe we need to take a GOOD LONG LOOK at ourselves.Maybe,it is time for self examination .Time for honest self judgement.Is it right to think about self first and others last? Is unfair treatment of minorities a paper excercise that does not mean nothing under our roofs? Are we really christians or make believers? Do we believe in God or are we apostate? GOD HAVE MERCY ON US ALL ?.

Errol Smythe

Is it necessary to do or say some mind boggling thing to get media attention. I don'ty know.
Preachers know that to grab the attention of a mind wandering audience,in your sermon you build a figurative bridge, build a figurative fire, then destroy the figurative bridge if necessary so that people can examine their options.Your sermon soaked in prayer backed up with scripture from the Bible then has got their attention.
Julius Caesar, history tells us, once did something similar by ordering his army the centurions etc to burn their ships on the shores of a foreign land.
Julius Caesar by issuing such a command inspired a fighting spirit and loyalty in his men to fight so that they could win the battle and win the war and go home to their loved ones.How does that relate to Reverend Jeremiah Wright? As an individual, he may have by deliberate intention focused the media mindset on the stark realities of prejudice.Racial prejudice, religious prejudice,bigotism,bitterness,hatred,malice,unfair media coverage,soundbites and deliberate mind manipulation in this high tech society and the need for reconciliation, truth,self examination, forgiveness,confession,repentance and constructive engagement in this present society.
Will it damage Barak? Who knows.Does America care for Barak with all the media frenzy and media post mortems of his name,his freinds, his associates ?.
America needs to have its own TRUTH COMMISSION. Will America have one? Who knows? Does America care.Yes.America cares for the downtrodden,the sick ,the lame ,the unwanted,the ones with dreams and broken dreams. Some people are honest and others are not so honest.So what? NOBODY IS PERFECT> WE ALL HAVE OUR FAULTS ....BUT THERE IS SELF IMPROVEMENT!!!!
There is strong undercurrents of a reality check up. Why?. Look back to KATRINA, HURRICANE KATRINA.
The ostrich likes to bury it’s head in the sand and the ostrich some say thinks as long as its head is buried in the sand , it’s vision is impaired and restricted and in this ostrich mindset what it cannot see the ostrich believes in it it’s ostrich birdbrain is not there? The ostrich needs a reality check up.
America is a great country. America is an IMMIGRANT BASED COUNTRY. That is why it is great. The beacon of hope of democracy. The open forum of democracy allows freedom of speech because America believes all men are created equal. That is on paper . That is in black and white,but some do not accept that because of the way they were brought up.
sOME OF THEIR TEACHERS MAY HAVE told them that some people are inferior to them and other people are superior. That is wrong teaching.tHAT IS WHY THERE IS SO MUCH CONTROVERSY TO DAY. The truth will set you free.
All this mudslinging politics and slinging back mud, and negative below the belt teleads is no good. Look how much money candidates are blatantly spending to get elected when there is a food crisis in AFRICA AND DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD. But people are so concerned with their own point of view they will forget people are dying without food, without democracy, without hope in other nations.
Maybe REVEREND WRIGHT MAY BE WRONG IN THE WAY HE SAYS WHAT HE SAYS, but maybe we need to take a GOOD LONG LOOK at ourselves.Maybe,it is time for self examination .Time for honest self judgement.Is it right to think about self first and others last? Is unfair treatment of minorities a paper excercise that does not mean nothing under our roofs? Are we really christians or make believers? Do we believe in God or are we apostate? GOD HAVE MERCY ON US ALL ?.

Errol Smythe

It really is amazing how there appears to be so many self proclaimed show casing political cases in this election soap opera.We have the media piranha feeding frenzy after the mudsling kitchen sink strategy brainstorming group allegedly set up Reverend Jeremiah Wright to step into the limelight for fifteen minutes of fame so that they allegedly could slice and dice soundbites and put them on those forty-five to seventy two second soundbite loops packaged for the alleged targeted couch potatoe gullible public so that polls could be manipulated up or down.
Those polls sometimes get it wrong and all these ping pong mind games quoting percentages and figures to dazzle and frazzle the minds of the voting public ain't going to work this time.
It really is amazing how there appearsto be so many self proclaimed show casing political cases in this election soap opera.We have the media piranha feeding frenzy after the mudsling kitchen sink strategy brainstorming group allegedly set up Reverend Jeremiah Wright to step into the limelight for fifteen minutes of fame so that they allegedly could slice and dice soundbites and put them on those forty-five to seventy two second soundbite loops packaged for the alleged targeted couch potatoe gullible public so that polls could be manipulated up or down.
Those polls sometimes get it wrong and all these ping pong mind games quoting percentages and figures to dazzle and frazzle the minds of the voting public ain't going to work this time.
The streetwise man in the know says the word is on the street that to all intents and purposes the media have got the word from who knows where to wreck Barack cause Barak is on a roll.
All this talk of this and that and fireside chitchat and coffee drinking talk about the Obama/Wright association is just going to dry up.
American's don't like being taken for a ride. The media circus is over. People want to get serious and talk about serious issues. Things that matter. Bread and butter issues. American's are tired of who said what. There sure is something more real to talk about.
Can there be timeout on all this ? The election is not about Obama and his associates. Surely there are real substantial issues that need to be addressed like the rising cost of fuels,alternative energy sources, global food crisis, housing crisis, banking crisis, pension crisis, tax rebates,world peace, global warming and climate change, desertification,pollution,ozone layer,agriculture, poverty,hunger, empty food shelves in Africa etc etc etc.
Barak is just living the American dream. What is wrong with that? Why do we like broken dreams more than fulfilled dreams/ Let the dream live on. Hope is a good thing there is nothing wrong with hope. Peace to all and goodwill to all men . Can there be timeout on all this ? The election is not about Obama and his associates. Surely there are real substantial issues that need to be addressed like the rising cost of fuels,alternative energy sources, global food crisis, housing crisis, banking crisis, pension crisis, tax rebates,world peace, global warming and climate change, desertification,pollution,ozone layer,agriculture, poverty,hunger, empty food shelves in Africa etc etc etc.
Barak is just living the American dream. What is wrong with that? Why do we like broken dreams more than fulfilled dreams/ Let the dream live on. Hope is a good thing there is nothing wrong with hope. Peace to all and goodwill to all men .Errol Smythe.
The streetwise man in the know says the word is on the street that to all intents and purposes the media have got the word from who knows where to wreck Barack cause Barak is on a roll.
All this talk of this and that and fireside chitchat and coffee drinking talk about the Obama/Wright association is just going to dry up.
American's don't like being taken for a ride. The media circus is over. People want to get serious and talk about serious issues. Things that matter. Bread and butter issues. American's are tired of who said what. There sure is something more real to talk about.
Can there be timeout on all this ? The election is not about Obama and his associates. Surely there are real substantial issues that need to be addressed like the rising cost of fuels,alternative energy sources, global food crisis, housing crisis, banking crisis, pension crisis, tax rebates,world peace, global warming and climate change, desertification,pollution,ozone layer,agriculture, poverty,hunger, empty food shelves in Africa etc etc etc.
Barak is just living the American dream. What is wrong with that? Why do we like broken dreams more than fulfilled dreams/ Let the dream live on. Hope is a good thing there is nothing wrong with hope. Peace to all and goodwill to all men . Can there be timeout on all this ? The election is not about Obama and his associates. Surely there are real substantial issues that need to be addressed like the rising cost of fuels,alternative energy sources, global food crisis, housing crisis, banking crisis, pension crisis, tax rebates,world peace, global warming and climate change, desertification,pollution,ozone layer,agriculture, poverty,hunger, empty food shelves in Africa etc etc etc.
Barak is just living the American dream. What is wrong with that? Why do we like broken dreams more than fulfilled dreams/ Let the dream live on. Hope is a good thing there is nothing wrong with hope. Peace to all and goodwill to all men .

David Capito

Add another tally to both categories.


You of all people should know that the higher the possiblity an outcome is in peoples conciousness en mass, the more likely it is to come true in reality.


1. Well, plenty of yakkers on my radio sure seem to like implying it. But I don't know them personally.

2. Yes, I know someone who does: ME! Obama's an ultra-left-winger, which by definition means that he hates America and desires to destroy it (America = Constitutional government; left-winger = "the US Constitution means whatever is convenient to [their] political philosophy or sometimes even whatever is in vogue;" therefore left-wing = anti-American. It really is that simple).

He may not REALIZE that what he desires would destroy us, but that doesn't make it any less true.

I oppose McCain and Clinton on pretty much the same grounds (they represent the same thing, but with a bigger corporate or special-interest fire sale of American assets and influence).


"It seems to me that the best thing the Republican party can do to ensure McCain's victory is to scare the bejeesus out of Americans, and the best thing the Democratic party can do is to alleviate those fears."

Global warming will kill us all unless we stop producing CO2!

If we don't take all the guns away more people will be shot!

If we support democracy in Iraq more Americans will be killed!

The rich and corporations will control everything if we don't elect Democrats!

Poor children will die if we don't make the government give everyone "free" health care!

Scared yet?


Cripes!! Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, you go and intimate that Mc Cain might be the next prez. I suppose he'd be better than dubya; time will tell.

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